Bread Beckers

Open All Day Every Day

305 Bell Park Dr Woodstock, GA 30188

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"I was SO happy to find video classes on line. I live too far away to come to the store. I haven't been baking as much bread as I would like even though I have the wheat/beans, etc/mill/bread maker because I have been unsuccessful in my efforts at making bread that tastes good and is at the right consistency. My family ate my bread but didn't really enjoy it. I watched the entire Bread 101 class and immediately dusted off my appliances and made a terrific loaf of bread following the hints and instructions on the video. I am more confident I will be making our bread instead of giving in to temptation and buying fresh baked store bread for my family. It's great to have this on-line option to learn. Your generosity in providing this information is greatly appreciated."

S.A.S., OH
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Ankarsrum Blender with Tamper
Ankarsrum Blender with Tamper

Ankarsrum Blender with Tamper

SKU: 91105
Weight: 3 lbs
You can earn 120 Bread Bucks on this product!
Price: $119.95
Product Details
Ankarsrum Blender with Tamper

The blender is made to vigorously fix everything from chopping chocolate to mixing hummus and smoothies — as often and as much as you want! You can buy the blender seperately or in the deluxe-package together with citrus press, mincer, strainer, cookie press and pasta discs.

The blender consists of a container, a top lid and lid plug.
The blender can handle a maximum content of 1.3 litres when mixing.
For safety reasons the blender is made of unbreakable plastic, Tritan copolyester, BPA free.Always keep your hand on the lid when operating the blender.

The blender fits Assistent models N24-N30.
